24 June 2020
"Hi Bagel Buds! As always, we hope you had a beautiful week (despite all the rain - what the heck is up with that?!) and get out into the sun sometime soon 😎
As gloomy as it gets here though, looking out at the world and all the crazy things going on in it always puts us in our place. When we got wind of the humanitarian crisis and the full-on atrocities happening right now in Yemen, we were at once reminded of how good we all have it.
That’s why this week we thought it only appropriate to donate all 🎉 SGD828 🎉 raised to the International Rescue Committee (IRC), which has been doing a great job with aid in Yemen. The IRC is continuing to deliver urgent healthcare, nutrition, and critical support to vulnerable factions in Yemen, even in the midst of COVID-19. With this donation, we’re more than confident that the IRC’s crucial work saving lives will be supported.
We’re also incredibly humbled by the amount that you all helped to raise in the past week, and want to reiterate that we couldn’t be doing this without you. THANK YOU!! Bless the bagel brotherhood!!! 🤘🏻🥯
Till next week buds, stay hydrated and keep looking out for each other 💛